Nicolas a eu le plaisir d’appuyer un programme scolaire multi médiatique à l’École Secondaire James Lyng High School de St-Henri, intitulé Lives of the South West. Si vous désirez en apprendre plus au sujet du projet, allez visiter les liens ci-dessous.
Détails du projet: appuyer le coordonateur du programme, appuyer et enseigner les étudiant.e.s en création de site Web WordPress, enregistrement audio, ainsi qu’en technique photo. Appui à l’installation d’une exposition multi médiatique accessible à la communauté.
Nick had the pleasure of working with the James Lyng High School – based in the St-Henri neighbourhood – in a multimedia community awareness project entitled Lives of the South West. Learn more about the project by visiting the links below.
Tasks included : assisting the course director in completing the project, teaching and assisting in creating a WordPress website, photography basics, audio recording and interview techniques. The project also included working along side the students and other teachers in installing an interactive exhibit accessible to the community.
Liens // Media Links
Brownstein: James Lyng students scour the ‘hoods for stories of the South West